2000 Cohort
$365,400 to Brigham and Women’s Hospital for Genetic Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Thrombosis: A Population-Based Analysis
$365,400 to Cornell University for Quality of Life After Myocardial Infarction: The Impact of Social Support
$365,400 to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for Effectiveness, Quality of Life, and Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Pre-operative Staging and Management Strategies for Patients with Potentially Resectable Pancreatic Cancer
$362,440 to Duke University Medical Center for Xenotransplantation of Microencapsulated Porcine Islets into Diabetic Baboons
$365,400 to the University of Michigan for Host Antigen Specific and Inflammatory Effector Mechanisms of Idiopathic Pneumonia Syndrome after Allogeneic BMT
$365,400 to Vanderbilt University Medical Center for Exploring the Etiology of Sarcoidosis
$365,368 to Mount Sinai School of Medicine for Improving Functional Outcomes in Postpartum Women
$365,400 to Stanford University for Characterization of Genes Involved with Legionella Pneumophila Virulence
$365,400 to the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine for Assessing Physician Cultural Competence and Care Experiences of Hispanic Patients
$365,400 to the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine for Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
$365,280 to Long Island Jewish-Hillside Medical Center for Human Papilloma Virus Type II Gene Regulation During Cellular Differentiation
$365,400 to the University of Virginia Health Care System for The Role of Adhesion Molecules in Experimental Crohn’s Disease
$365,400 to Johns Hopkins Hospital for In-Utero Stem Cell Therapy: Correction of OAT Deficiency
$365,400 to Baylor College of Medicine for The Selective Vulnerability of Motor Neurons in ALS: The Role of Calcium and Parvalbumin
$364,930 to Boston University School of Medicine for A Study of the Impact of Welfare Reform on Child Health