Online Application

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation will not support a 2025 cohort of the AMFDP.  The following information, and all information linked to this page, is archival and is not pertinent to any applications to a successor program going forward.  _______________________________________________________________

MyRWJF to register with the site so that you may begin to submit your proposal. You will be asked to provide contact information for yourself and your mentor, as well as information about your institution and background. We also require a short, readable executive summary of your proposal, in no more than 1500 characters. Sample executive summaries are provided to guide you in developing your summary.

You will be uploading documents that you create to the Application & Review system, using the templates provided. These documents are listed and described here:

Proposal: There are five substantive questions to answer and upload as part of the online process (limit for the five questions total: 10 pages):

1. Research Training: Please list any previous formal training or experience in biomedical research, clinical investigation, and health services research. Limit your response to one page.

2. Experience/Intent: What is your understanding of the issues facing historically marginalized people in the academic health professions?  What is your experience in addressing these issues (e.g., mentoring, service, advocacy)?  What are your future plans for addressing these issues?  Limit your response to one page.

3. Commitment to the Goals of the AMFDP: Harold Amos Scholars are expected to excel in dental, biomedical, clinical, or health services research; to provide leadership in academic medicine, dentistry, or nursing; to serve as role models for succeeding classes of researchers; and have a commitment to improving the health of underserved populations and/or working toward understanding and eliminating health disparities.  How would this award enhance your ability to realize these goals? Limit your response to one page.

4. Individual Background: Please describe how your background, identity, or lived experiences as a member of a historically marginalized group have positioned you to contribute to the goals of the program.  Limit your response to one page.

5. Project: Please describe what you propose to do during the fellowship award period. Any tables, charts, or graphs used to support your description may be included, but your entire response should be limited to six pages. Note that references/citations will be uploaded as a separate document (see link to “Narrative, Citations & Reapplicant Update” section on your applicant home screen) and will not count toward the six-page total. Make sure that your hypothesis is clearly stated. Keep in mind that your interaction with a mentor and the plans for research and training that you and your mentor develop are extremely important features of this program. Describe courses you plan to take, if any, skills you expect to acquire or enhance during the course of this award, and how such courses and skills will facilitate the conduct of your research.  Limit your response to six pages.

References/Citations: You will be asked to upload as a separate document the references/citations used in developing your scientific research proposal. These citations will not count toward the six-page limit for the description of your research project.

Applicant CV: Complete a template and upload your CV to the system. You may format your CV in any way you want, but please include at a minimum the following information: undergraduate, medical, and other institutions, major(s), degrees, dates, and honors; internships and residencies; fellowships; research and work experience; academic appointments; and publications. Please use 1-inch margins and a 12-point font.  The Applicant CV is limited to 15 pages.

Mentor’s CV: You will also be asked to complete a template and upload your Mentor’s CV. The NIH biosketch format is preferred; however, the CV may be formatted in any way you want with a limit of 15 pages per CV. In the case that you have more than one Mentor (and most applicants do not), you may use this template to upload multiple CVs.

Mentor’s (or Mentors’) Statement: You must upload a statement from your Mentor or Mentors. In essence, this statement contains the answers to the questions posed in the Letter to the Proposed Mentor that you downloaded. If you have more than one Mentor (and most applicants do not), they may collaborate on one letter, or you may upload more than one individual letter to the Application & Review system. You may copy and paste from an existing document into this template.

Institutional Letter of Support: The AMFDP requires a commitment of at least 70% of time spent in research activities, as well as a supportive research environment.  Please provide an institutional letter of support.  This should come from a division chief, department head, dean, or other senior administrator.  There is no template for this document.  There is no page limit.

Supplemental Documents (optional): You may complete this template if you will be submitting supplemental documents. Most applicants will not have supplemental documents, as these are typically documents that are specifically requested by the National Program Office.  You should NOT use this space to upload CVs, reprints, surveys, timetables, or lists of publications. If you have any question about the appropriateness of including a specific document, please contact the National Program Office. There are no restrictions for length, spacing, font size, or margins for the Supplemental Documents. You may copy and paste from an existing document into this template.

Reapplicant Update (optional; required for reapplicants): Please tell us what has changed since your last application (for example, changes in status, institution, mentoring, funding, training and skills, project, publications).  There is no template for this document. This document is required of all reapplicants.