The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation will not support a 2025 cohort of the AMFDP.
The following information, and all information linked to this page, is archival and is not pertinent to any applications to a successor program going forward. __________________________________________________________________
The Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation was created to increase the number of faculty who could achieve senior rank in academic medicine, dentistry, or nursing and who would encourage and foster the development of succeeding classes of such physicians, dentists, and nurse-scientists. Four-year postdoctoral research awards were offered to physicians, dentists, and nurses who are committed to developing careers in academic medicine and to serving as role models for students and faculty of similar background.
The program was renamed and expanded in 2004 in honor of Harold Amos, Ph.D., who was the first Black to chair a department, now the Department of Microbiology, of the Harvard Medical School. Dr. Amos worked tirelessly to recruit and mentor countless numbers of students to careers in academic medicine and science. He was a founding member of the National Advisory Committee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Minority Medical Faculty Development Program in 1983, and served as the Program’s National Program Director between 1989 and 1993. Dr. Amos remained active with the program until his death in 2003.
The program was further expanded in 2012 to include dental medicine, and in 2016 to include nursing.
Each Amos Scholar selected (up to ten each year) received an annual stipend up to $75,000, complemented by a $30,000 annual grant toward support of research activities. Each Scholar studies and conducts research in association with a senior faculty member located at an academic medical center, dental school, or school of nursing noted for the training of young faculty and pursuing lines of investigation that are of interest to the Scholar. Scholars are expected to spend at least 70% of their time in research activities.
A distinguished National Advisory Committee assists the Foundation with the program. While these awards are intended to provide four years of support, the National Advisory Committee reviews the progress of each Scholar after the first two years to determine the appropriateness of continuing funding for the full duration of the award.