2022 Annual Meeting

2022 Annual Meeting, September 27-30 in Washington, DC

Annual Meeting detailed agenda

Quick Agenda

2022 Annual Meeting Attendees

2022 List of Scholars, Mentors, and Recent Alumni

2022 National Advisory Committee

2022 RWJF and AMFDP Staff

Abstracts in alphabetical order

RWJF open access reimbursement guidelines

Financial planning contact info

Case Studies from Jim Gavin

Message Development Worksheet from Kevin Kirkpatrick

Regarding the topic of scientific integrity, “Ten Simple Rules for Building and Maintaining a Scientific Reputation” by Philip E. Bourne and Virginia Barbour; and “Research Careers Tool,” which is “designed to help researchers… to be more strategic and selective in what they take on.”


If you have any questions about which form to use, contact Nina at nardery@iu.edu.

Use this form if you are a mentor of a Scholar funded by RWJF, if you are a NAC member not funded by a partnership, or a guest of the program:  2022 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT FORM RWJF

Use this form if you are a mentor of a Scholar under the AMFDP’s partnership with the American Society of Hematology:   2022 Travel Reimbursement form for ASH-AMFDP

Use this form if you are a mentor of a Scholar under the AMFDP’s partnership with the American Society of Nephrology:   2022 Travel Reimbursement form for ASN-AMFDP

Use this form if you are a mentor or NAC member under the AMFDP’s partnership with the American Heart Association:  2022 Travel Reimbursement form for AHA-AMFDP

Use this form if you are a mentor or NAC member under the AMFDP’s partnership with the consortium of the American Thoracic Society, the American Lung Association, and the American College of Chest Physicians:  2022 Travel Reimbursement form for AAA-AMFDP