2023 Annual Meeting, October 3-6 in Atlanta

Please note that some content from the 2023 meeting has been removed for security reasons.

AMFDP 2023 Annual Meeting detailed agenda

RWJF open access reimbursement guidelines

Wall Street Journal article: The Rise and Fall of the Chief Diversity Officer – WSJ

Here’s an opportunity from The Commonwealth Fund: The Commonwealth Fund Fellowship in Minority Health Policy at Harvard University (CFF)   CFF_2024-2025_webinar_with_QR


If you have any questions about which form to use, contact Nina at nardery@iu.edu.

Use this form if you are a mentor of a Scholar funded by RWJF, if you are a NAC member not funded by a partnership, or a guest of the program: 2023 Annual Meeting AMFDP travel form

Use this form if you are a mentor of a Scholar under the AMFDP’s partnership with the American Society of Hematology:  2023 Annual Meeting ASH-AMFDP travel form

Use this form if you are a mentor of a Scholar under the AMFDP’s partnership with the American Society of Nephrology:  2023 Annual Meeting ASN-AMFDP travel form

Use this form if you are a mentor or NAC member under the AMFDP’s partnership with the American Heart Association: 2023 Annual Meeting AHA-AMFDP travel form

Use this form if you are a mentor or NAC member under the AMFDP’s partnership with the consortium of the American Thoracic Society, the American Lung Association, and the American College of Chest Physicians: 2023 Annual Meeting AAA-AMFDP travel form